Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My little helpers!!

The girls love helping me around the house. The other day we made Banana Honey wheat Bread with the bread machine I got for my birthday present. The bread turned out good!!
Now people don't believe me when I say Brinna LOVES to empty the dishwasher, fill it back up, put the tab in, close the door and then hit the start button. I have a good mommy in training. Samantha helps also withe puting away the dishes and so does Salem.


Baker Bunch said...

I reached your blog by searching for a banana-honey-wheat recipe. Could you please post your recipe?
(p.s- i too love christ and would be lost without him. if you're ever looking for a strong christian church with faithful, loving people who really love eachother and the Lord, look into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I can't tell you how it's brought great joy and light into my life!)