Saturday, December 20, 2008


Go to:

winter pics!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

X-mas pics2008

i know it's been awhile since i last Written. Buit our family has been doing good. Busy as usual. samantha is 6 1/2, sabrinna 4 1/2, Salem 2 years 3 months, Sabastien 3 months.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Harvest Party 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fank family pics!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome sabastien!

Welcome sabastien !!!!

September 15, 2008
8lb 8.5oz
21 1/4in
A very long labor!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

41 weeks 5 days

Inducement is working very slow!!! I have a doc apointment on Wend and he will send me to the birth center to have a full induction. Then I can no longer be pregnant again. NO more kids. My body can't handle it again. More info to come!!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Possible induction?

Well, nothing yet! If i don't have him by the 27th (Due date) my doctor will induce Sun 31st or Mon Sept 1st. Thats what we talked about on Wend. I heard induction is painful but if it gets Sabastien out safely, then o well. I will write nore as i get more info!!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

39 weeks tomorrow

I have been having cramping, contractions, body parts stretching, and the list goes on. Hopefully the doc will do something tomorrow. I know that he is big boy because he isn't moving around alot anymore, and when he does it hurts. I'm getting excited to just see what he looks like and how big he really will be or small. I don't know. The time will come soon enough!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

38 weeks and counting

I'm 38 weeks today. I have a doc appointment and I'm excited to see how much weight I have gained. So far I have gained nothing. I'm all baby. I return means a BIG baby!!! No fun. Hopefuly soon little Sabastian will join us! More to come!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

35 weeks 3 days along

Lets just say that I am so ready to have this kid. He is a very big boy already. I can tell. The doc says that all is well, and i have gained only 5 lbs. Yahoo for me. I really hope this little guy isn't late. I hope he comes as soon as i hit 37 weeks.
I have everything ready to go. Now all we need is Sabastien.

Monday, May 26, 2008

New hair cut!!!!

Salems hair was getting to long and the hot weather. So I went fot it. And the results are.........

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Big foot invades

I went to the Doc today and he says is going to be abig baby again just by his foot. I', 26 weeks 1 day today. So far so good. I haven't gained any wight yet.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy 18th birthday Dez!!!

First hot tub experience!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

finding strength in Christ

On fri Rudi lost his job.Rudi and I both know that God is control. But on Sunday, when we did worship, God wqas speaking to me about not worrying about his job search.

Greatest Gift
By Matt Redman
Hillsong London

Condemnation falls away.
Never more to call on me
I am clean, yes I am clean
The powerful work of you in me
Breaks the chains of guilt and shame
I go free, yes I go free

Pre chorus
I take them to your cross
and leave them there
Captured by this grace I'm free at last

It is the great gift of your salvation
working in me, working in me
it is the life giving taste of heaven
your kindness reveals, your kindness
releaved to me

its the greatest gift of all
its the greatest gift of all
its the greatest gift of all (repeat 4 times)

your mercys pouring down on me
your mercys pouring down on me
and i am clean, i am clean
your mercys pouring down on me
your mercys pouring down on me
and i go free, i go free

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

21 weeks along, Half way there!! Yahoooooo

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The suprises just keep coming!!

It's a BOY!!!!!!!
Salem will now have a wrestling buddy. The ultrasound was 100% sure. no questions asked. As for Rudi, he is getting his boys, and I have my girls. Rudi and I talked last about the named and his name will be Sabastien Alexander Frank . Yes another SA name. He is due Aug 27-29. doing good and growing.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy 28th birthday Rudi!!

We had friends and Family over to celebrate Rudi and what ablessing he is to us all!!
Love you Rudi!

Growing boy!

Salem is getting so big that sometimes I just can't believe my eyes. 16 months and growing everyday.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

my handsome boy!!!




My little helpers!!

The girls love helping me around the house. The other day we made Banana Honey wheat Bread with the bread machine I got for my birthday present. The bread turned out good!!
Now people don't believe me when I say Brinna LOVES to empty the dishwasher, fill it back up, put the tab in, close the door and then hit the start button. I have a good mommy in training. Samantha helps also withe puting away the dishes and so does Salem.